One problem facing a digitizing system consisting of more than one digitizer, where synchronicity is desired, is how to distribute the trigger signal. Regardless of method, the end goal is the same: to trigger all the channels at the same time. One naive solution many be to split the trigger signal and pass that to each digitizer through cables of equal length. However, this solution does not scale with the number of digitizers in the system—eventually the trigger signal is attenuated beyond the sensitivity of the analog input. Moreover, by attenuating the signal, the trigger edge is distorted and precision is lost. To address these issues this system features a daisy chain trigger mechanism. The idea is to pass the trigger signal from one device to the next . In order to keep track of the trigger point across all devices, the common time frame, the 10 MHz clock reference is distributed to all boards. Fig. 1 presents a block diagram of a system consisting of two chassis in a daisy chain configuration. The trigger timing precision is measured to 50 ps over large arrays.

Figure 1. Block diagram of the daisy chain trigger mechanism for a system consisting of 16 devices across two chassis.​

Solution ADQ35-INT X 2 DPS7-PCIe DPS16-PCIe
2 x ADQ35 Interleaved (20 GSPS) + GPU + PC Industrial PC with 7 PCIe slots + ADQ3x + GPU + PC+ Disks 16 slots per chassi  + ADQ3x + GPU + Disks
PC chassis​
Rack mounted or tower Rack mounted Rack mounted or tower
​PCIe expansion chassis
​Bressner OSS-PCIe3-xxx
Bressner OSS-PCIe4-xxx
​GPU options
​Nvidia Pro A400, A2000 or A4000
​​Nvidia Pro A400, A2000 or A4000
Nvidia Pro A400, A2000 or A4000
PC motherboard options
Supermicro MBD-H12SSL-I-O​
Supermicro MBD-H12SSL-I-O
​PC CPU options
​​AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5955WX 4 GHz 73 MB,
AMD Epyc 7282 - 16 Core, 2.80 GHz, 64 MB
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5955WX 4 GHz 73 MB

AMD Epyc 7282 - 16 Core, 2.80 GHz, 64 MB
​SSD (disk) mounting options
​Motherboard or PCIe expansion card
Motherboard or PCIe expansion card
Motherboard or PCIe expansion card
​Number of disks
​Streaming per disk
​6 Gbyte/s
6 Gbyte/s
6 Gbyte/s
Target applications Wideband RF recording, pulse detection, mass spectrometry, LiDAR, radar, signals intelligence, automated test equipment, digital oscillioscope.
General data acquisition,​ automated test equipment, LiDAR, particle detection. Multi-channel single-shot, Thomson scattering, MIMO, synchrotron.

Digitizer Analog Performance

Sampling rate (GSPS)
1 channel at 20 or 2 channels at 10​ 1 to 10 per channel 1 to 10 per channel
Resolution​ (bits) 12 12
Channel count
1 or 2 (software-selectable) Up to 14 channels per system
​Up to 32 channels per chassis
Bandwidth (GHz)
2.5, 9.0 1.0, 2.5, 9.0
1.0, 2.5, 9.0

Data Streaming and Processing

Throughput (Gbyte/s) 28
14 per slot
3.5 per slot
Duty cycle, continuous streaming​
100% with 10-bit compression 100%
Not applicable
​Nvidia Pro A400, A2000 or A4000
Nvidia Pro A400, A2000 or A4000
Nvidia Pro A400, A2000 or A4000
SSD (disk) performance  Up to 28 Gbyte/s streaming Yes (Linux)
Yes (Linux)

Software and Firmware​

Operating system
Linux, Windows
Linux, Windows
Linux Linux, Windows
Linux, Windows
Software: design framework for GPU
Digitizer Studio, C, C++, Python, Cuda 
Digitizer Studio, LabView, Matlab, C, C++, Python, Cuda
Digitizer Studio, LabView, Matlab, C, C++, Python, Cuda
FWATD All options avaliable
All options avaliable

Hardware Options and Synchronization

19" rack mount option
Yes Yes
Stack & Rack -> 32 slots
Timing & synchronization, daisy-chain
+/- 10 ps +/- 10 ps
+/- 10 ps​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Our 7-slot Industrial PC and 16-slot chassi support any ADQ3x product. You can choose any combination of ADQ3x products and set them to any sample rate you need.​​