High-perform​​ance 14-bit, 400 MSPS digitizer

  • 14 bits vertical resolution
  • Up to 400 MSPS sampling rate
  • 2 channels at 400 MSPS
  • DC-coupled with up to 100 MHz input bandwidth (0.65 Vpp input range​)
  • Programmable DC-offset
  • 64 MSamples onboard memory
  • Open FPGA for custom real-time signal processing requires DEVDAQ
  • Hardware triggers and GPIO
  • PXIe, USB2.0 form factor
  • For product technical specifications (see the datasheet)
  • How to use and configure the product and output the data (see the users guide)​


The ADQ214-DCLN comes with an easy-to-use API that allows easy integration into any application. Software tools for application development include C/C++, Matlab and DLLs for Windows and Linux. The SDK also includes SP Devices' data capture tool, ADCaptureLab.​

The ADQ 214-DCLN employs two AMD SX50T Virtex 5 FPGAs (XC5VSX50T-1). The user can access these FPGAs and implement customized digital signal processing by purchasing the ADQ Development Kit. This kit contains everything that is needed to get started with the FPGA development, and also includes examples and documentation.

  • Phase noise measurement
  • Signal analysis​​​
  • Wireless communication
  • Automated test
  • Test and measurement
  • Wideband IQ demodulator

Options ​Comment​
Hardware Options​​​
PXIe, USB2.0
Host PC interf​ace

Firmware options​
FWDAQ Always included. Default data acquisition firmware.​
DEVDAQ​ Optional FPGA development kit based​​ on FWDAQ.

Additional accessories
W5Y Optional 2-year warranty extension (and 5 years in total). ​

ADCaptureLab Always included. Software for control and configuration. ​