Obsolete/EOL Products

Discountinued products and products not recommended for new designs are listed in the tables below together with suggested replacement products.

Please Contact Us if you need additional information.

Product Name Status
Effective Date Suggested Replacements
14-bit digitizer for SS-OCT
Discontinued November 18, 2021 ADQ32
8 bits, 7 GSPS, 1 channel digitizer
Discontinued April 1, 2021 ADQ7DC
8 bits, 4 GSPS, 2 channel digitizer
Discontinued April 1, 2021 ADQ7DC, ADQ8-4X
14-bit combined digitizer and AWG
Not recommended for new designs April 1, 2021 ADQ7DC or ADQ14 in combination with SDR14TX
FPGA computational board
Discontinued April 1, 2021 ADQ7DC or ADQ32 using peer-to-peer GPU streaming
Trigger/clock distribution board
Not recommended for new designs April 1, 2021 Please Contact Us
ADQDSU, Generation 1
SSD disk storage unit
Not recommended for new designs
(Applies to models 0T5, 1T, 2T)
April 1, 2021 Please Contact Us
GPU peer-to-peer streaming firmware
Not recommended for new designs April 1, 2021 ADQ7DC or ADQ32 using peer-to-peer GPU streaming ​
14-bit, 800 MSPS,
1 channel digitizer
Discontinued​ July 1, 2023​ ADQ14 or ADQ30​​
12-bit, 4 GSPS,
4 channel digitizer
Discontinued​ December 15, 2023
12-bit, 4 GSPS,
4 channel digitizer
Discontinued​ December 15, 2023 ADQ36-PXIe​​
12-bit, 4 GSPS,
4 channel digitizer
Discontinued​ December 15, 2023​​ ADQ32​​

​ADQDSU, Generation 2
SSD disk storage for data recording
Discontinued​ September 19, 2024​ Please Contact Us​​​